Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Preventing Low Back Pain During Pregnancy

Physical Therapy and Myofascial Release can help you if you are experiencing back pain during your pregnancy.
Pregnancy is normal, pain is not. There are many changes happening in your body as your pregnancy progresses. Hormones are release that allow your joints and muscles to move easier so you can give birth. Your body also changes as your baby grows, and this shifts your center of gravity and as your body attempts to keep you upright, some of your muscles must now work harder. Any imbalance in your muscles or restrictions in your fascia may be exacerbated by this change in your body and can cause you pain or discomfort. To learn more about how we can help you watch the video below and visit our website www.LeBauerPT.com. Be sure to sign up for your free report titled "the hidden cause of back pain."

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